New Patients

New Patient Registration

If you reside in our practice boundary (see link below) you are welcome to register at our Practice. We have 3 surgeries for patient’s to access based in Oulton, Rothwell and Swillington.

To register with the practice, patients must complete the following actions:

Please click on this link to register or alternatively you can fill out the forms below

  • Fill in the patient registration form as fully as possible and list any repeat medication you are currently taking (this helps avoid any delays processing your repeat medication during your move to the practice), including the summary care record consent form on the final page of the document.
  • Complete a GMS1 form also.

Anyone in England can register with a GP surgery. It’s free to register. You do not need proof of address or immigration status, ID or an NHS number.

Copies of the relevant forms can be found below for patients to print at home and complete. You may also come to one of our practices and request the forms in person.

Once all the forms are completed you may post them to us, send a digital copy to or hand them in at any of our surgeries.

All children aged 16 years and under must attend at the Practice for a New Patient Registration Check with our Health Care Assistant. All new patients have the option to attend for a New Patient Registration Check, but as stated above it is only compulsory patients 16 years and under.

All patients under the age of 18 will need to fill out all 3 forms below

All patients are allocated a named GP when they are registered at the surgery.

Practice Area

Before attempting to register with the medical centre, please enter your postcode below to ensure you live within our service boundary.

Catchment Area

Non-urgent advice: Important – Please Read

Patients MUST complete both the GMS1 Form and Patient Registration Form found below.

If under 18 please complete the additional form.